About HATS
Hemp Administrative Testing & Sampling (HATS) was created by AgWin, a consulting firm solving the perplexing problems of agriculture, and increasing consumer confidence in the food supply. AgWin initially developed the pre-harvest hemp sampling program for North Carolina, it can create one for your state too.
AgWin has contracts with Field Representatives/Samplers throughout each state as needed to meet with hemp producers and collect sample cuttings for testing. The Field Reps selected for this project have many years of experience in agriculture, crop insurance loss adjustment, and meeting with the public etc. The experience of these field representatives will contribute greatly to the success of this program.
AgWin will contract with the qualified samplers, schedule the testing, and provide the manpower necessary to secure the samples, supply the sampling and testing equipment necessary to test the green material, and send it to a DEA approved laboratory.
AgWin created the Tobacco Administrative Grading Service (TAGS) in 2012, which schedules AMS tobacco graders to grade the tobacco for a crop insurance program administered by the USDA Risk Management Agency (RMA).